Welcome WKU Fans!

In an effort to reach out to the WKU community –near and far – we have created this website. We hope lifelong and new WKU fans, alike, find this site fun and full of interesting insights.

Red Towel Roundup aims to be your “one-stop-shop” of all things WKU sports. Do you want to know which Hilltoppers have gone pro? Visit the “Pro Toppers” page for an updated list of current Hilltoppers that are playing professionally along with a link to their bio. Do you want to have a discussion or see what fans are saying? Visit the “Forum” page. Do you want to see live tweets about WKU? There is a Twitter gadget on the right-hand side of the site that follows #WKU. In addition, you will be able to vote in polls, read blogs, watch podcasts, view photos, participate in “Fan of the Month” contests, and so on.

Red Towel Roundup is for and by WKU fans. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to contribute to Red Towel Roundup, please contact us at redtowelroundup@gmail.com.

Go Tops!